Cause Progress
- $50000 Amount Needed
- $11000 Collected yet
- 22% Percentile
- This cause has been completed.
Christ Exalted Ministries Television Outreach
Our Goal
Ever since its conception, Christ Exalted Ministries (CEM) mandate was and is to exalt Jesus Christ in all that we do and say. Go into all the world and preach the gospel is its command. Winning souls is one of its trademarks. CEM’s moto for existing is “Transforming Lives to Transform Their World”.
From Canada to Brazil, United States, India, China, Africa, and Europe, one thing we have learned is that “If you cannot reach the multitudes, you cannot preach to the multitudes”. In order to preach this soul winning gospel to the lost, we have to reach the lost, and to do so it takes money, sometimes a lot of money.
Through the Media Ministry of Christ Exalted Ministries, we have two primary objectives.
Firstly, we want to do our part to fulfill the scriptural command to the Church. This can be found in Matthew Ch. 24 v 14 “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Secondly, the Bible also tells us in Matthew 28 v 19 to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.
Reaching Our Goal
The 21st Century has made this possible through technology as we fast approach a global population of 8 billion people. Our objective is simple; reach the masses. To do this we will provide television programmes from our Church and access the various platforms for the delivery of the Gospel to be spread on a global scale. Our calling is to reach those without Christ and to assist in building up the Body of Christ (making disciples) according to the verses above.
Can any Church do this? The answer is yes if they put their minds to it. However, Christ Exalted Ministries has been presented with unique, cost effective opportunities. Apart from our need to invest in equipment and personnel, we have been offered platforms on television stations as well as other technology such as social media, IPTV, and other streaming services free of any cost. In real terms this is a savings to the Ministry of several hundred thousand dollars a year. For example, just one of the stations we will be on will cost around $130,000 a year. Every believer is charged with reaching the lost, not everybody can go and do this, but everybody can play a part in sending if they can’t go themselves. How wonderful will it be when in heaven somebody comes to you and says, I’m here because of you. With this in mind, we want to ask you to join us in this great evangelistic outreach by supporting this Ministry to fulfill the call to reach the lost. How can you do this? Certainly, by praying, but in addition, a monthly gift will ensure we will always be in a position to maintain and purchase new equipment as the need arises and as technology changes demand. We have a donation page and would ask you to go before the Lord and seek Him as to how much you can give each month and to become a partner with Christ Exalted Ministries.
Phase 1 Outreach
The opportunity being presented to Christ Exhalted Ministries includes television broadcast programming time that will reach homes in California, El Paso, Texas, Las Cruces, New Mexico, Juarez Mexico, South India, and Europe; IPTV channel station time, social media and streaming services reaching the globe.
Our Needs
COVID-19 has presented many problems to the world at large, but it has also presented some opportunities. In the case of this Ministry it has pushed us to start making programmes and broadcasting them on Social media; this has been a great beginning and we are off the starting blocks. Now it’s time to prepare for the wider reach. Please join us and let us make a difference to people’s lives together.
God Bless You.